Did you ever looked up at sky at night and just wondered what else is out there??
Because I know I have. Just one of those many things that just run through my mind. I always wonder if there is more humans like us out there or if there is actually aliens or some sort of thing. But I mean come on if we live then why wouldn't other things be living too? Why just us???
This thought about other things or other humans living always crosses my mind. Because now and days there's a lot of theories about lots of different things. Like, for example; aliens,life on mars, all these planets, Illuminati, good and bad forces, etc... All those kind of stuff sound real and some people say/think it is. I'm one of those persons who believes in all that stuff(obviously right!!). People always talk about things they witnessed and how some weird things had happen to them, all kind of different things. luckily none of that stuff had ever happen to me!
Has anything weird ever happen to you or you ever saw something? For example, i have a few friends who have had sleeping peralesus but, im mexican and we have a different name for it. We actually think and say that its a dead person, yea, i dont know which one its true but either way i hear its not a good feeling.
But, if you ever seen or experienced any weird things or you seen something strange or maybe have the same thinking as me please let me know what you think in my comments i would like to know and will read them. Thanks.
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